Industrial Domestics began in 2016 when, after a long career in engineering, I chose to leave a large company that was struggling to find direction. Having been in the corporate world for many years, I decided a change was due and wanted to utilize my creativity in a more satisfying pursuit.

Attending auctions, estates sales and shopping around antique malls, I began to gather some items that I knew could be re-purposed into some unique and creative items.  Using a combination of modern components and not so modern components, I began to experiment with different ideas and designs.

Searching for ideas across the internet on sites like Pinterest , Etsy and others, I have acquired a great deal of inspiration and a tremendous catalog of items other people have crafted. As I proceed, I often refer to these ideas to inspire me as I go into my crowded little workshop and decide what unique little piece I am going to construct next.

Sometimes the results are not so good and I decide to start over and sometimes the results are better than expected and it gives me a boost to go forward and try even better designs.

At the end of the day, I am able to offer my creations for sale at local shops and online at select outlets.

I am a small shop and can create custom designs using a combination of old and new, rusty and shiny, painted and raw, wooden and metal; basically whatever can be put together to fabricate something that will be unique and that you will find nowhere else.

Feel free to visit the Gallery pages to see photos of some of my work. I try to update the pages with fresh projects so check back often.

Follow me on Facebook to stay up to date on new creations and info on projects I am working on at any given time.